A living breathing community portal of transformation through:


Sacred ritual with the Moon


Study and self actualization through Astrology


Coding cosmic energies & nervous system healing through Breathwork


Manifesting Your Dreams through the Embodiment of:


Being the real divine you and catching the cosmic waves to make magic in architecting A New Earth.


Next Live Session: New Moon in Pisces! 

Monday Feb 20th at 1pm CST - Lifetime Replay in Portal for Members

Join for the New Moon in Pisces

When you set sail on the adventure of your life:

  • Your body is your ship

  • Your mind is your steering wheel

  • Astrology is your weather forecast

  • Your Natal chart and soul's blueprint is your map


Prana Moon Portal is a portal of self love, self trust, liberation, intuition, living as a Child of the Stars and your unique soul's potential realized as you set sail on your life's adventure.

"I align with the divine and shine what's uniquely mine."


Through potent RESET Breathwork journeys every New and Full Moon inside Prana Moon Portal, you will heal, alchemize and harness the power of your nervous system and subconscious mind.

Your nervous system runs 95% of your life!!! Through Breathwork you will release all lived experience or bloodline patterns and step forward into:

  • Deep safety being who you are in this lifetime
  • Deep self love, self trust, intuition, self worth


Breathwork gets your body, your ship, in peaceful steadfast shape for your life's adventure.


Without it, you sink.



Through deep study of the collective energies paired with receiving insights from your unique soul's blueprint (your natal chart) inside Prana Moon Portal, you will begin to actually live as the Child of the Stars you are.

  • Learn about the planets and how they collectively impact us with potent energies and manifest in alignment with them
  • Learn about yourself through these energies making way for radical self love, acceptance and actualization
  • Deepen your faith and spirituality - knowing and living - as part of something greater than yourself

Astrology is your access point to the magic of the universe and your unique magic in this lifetime.


Without it, you swim against the current.



After Breathwork and Cosmic Knowledge and Alignment, inside Prana Moon Portal you then master how to use your steering wheel - your mind - in the direction of your soul's truth.

Most people only use the mind for manifestation. In Prana Moon Portal, through embodied manifesting your mind:

  • It a precise tool for quicker, easier, precise and delightful manifestion
  • Deep dreams and deep power
  • The final necessary tool for your adventure


Manifestation is your steering wheel with which you point your powerful embodiment and manifest your dreams.


Without it, you have no direction.


Prana Moon Portal is your sacred YES to:


  • Your Intuition

  • Your Freedom

  • Your Self Love

  • Your Self Worth

  • Your Faith

  • Your Soul Family

  • Your Evolution

  • Your Radical Authenticity

  • Your Deepest Dreams

  • Your Contributions to A New Earth

Prana Moon Portal is your YES to receiving and creating:


  • Consistency

  • Connection - with yourself and the stars 

  • Community

  • Consciousness 



Prana Moon Portal is for you if:

  • You desire to manifest your dream life and raise the vibe of the planet
  • You want to dive deeper into study astrology, learn about the planets, transits and your own natal chart
  • You love ritual and want to create a consistent way to connect with (and create with) the moon
  • You love learning and desire deep self study to grow spiritually, in your business, relationships and connection to something bigger
  • You crave the life changing transformation of Breathwork journeys
  • You struggle with consistency as a spiritual being and want support
  • You have been seeking soul family that's into woo woo shit just like you! :)
  • You hit walls with your manifesting and seek embodiment
  • You desire to manifest with more fun, ease and speed
  • You desire to weave together multiple spiritual tools (astrology, breathwork and manifesting) to create your soul's true desires in this lifetime
  • You want to trust yourself, love yourself, be yourself and live as the real you creating dreams! All with the moon, universe and soul community.


Each month in Prana Moon Portal you receive:

  • Two Live 90 minute  Astrology and Breathwork Sessions: One for the New Moon and One for the Full Moon
  • Access to a living library of all astrology and breathwork sessions
  • Consistency, Community, Connection and Change 
  • Exclusive offers to Adrienne's work as part of the community

Every New Moon Session:

  • We come together in live ritual to honor the moon, learn from the moon and co-create with it in sacred community
  • We study the astrology of the moment - the energies of that New Moon and all of the aspecting planets
  • We learn the collective and personal meanings of the astrology and how to work with them
  • Plant new seeds of manifestation in alignment with these energies
  • Code all of these energies, learnings and ignite our manifestations through a potent, one of a kind Breathwork journey

Every Full Moon Session:

  • We come together in live ritual to honor the moon, learn from the moon and co-create with it in sacred community
  • We study the astrology of the moment - the energies of that Full Moon and all of the aspecting planets
  • We learn the collective and personal meanings of the astrology and how to work with them
  • Release, cleanse and let go in alignment with these unique energies
  • Code all of these energies, learnings and ignite our manifestations through a potent, one of a kind Breathwork journey
Join Prana Moon Portal

Step into Prana Moon Portal



Monthly Membership



  • Two 90 min live Astrology and Breathwork Moon Sessions each month: One for the New Moon and One for the Full Moon
  • Access to our living lifetime library of all sessions, past and future for the entirety of your time in the portal
  • Special pricing and exclusive offers to all of my work while you are in the community
  • No commitment, cancel anytime


For the soul who craves the path of the heart, intuition and their deepest truth:


It's time for your Soul's Call.

It's time for your Life's Adventure.

It's time for you potential to be unlocked.

It's time to feel safe being your TRUE SELF.

It's time to learn about and co-create with Source.


It's time to use your Prana with the Moon as YOUR PORTAL.