A 3 Day Digital Reset Ceremony and Sacred Shift Portal with the Spring Equinox


💫 An opportunity for you to unplug from social media, join me in ritual, cellular reset and sacred ceremony with the holy time of the Equinox 


Live on 3/19 - 3/21 - 9am HST - Lifetime Replay


In this experience you will:

  • Reset your relationship with technology through a guided digital detox - focusing on social media and extending beyond if you desire
  • Receive 3 live calls and transmission of ceremony with Adrienne to honor, learn, reset and create with the Equinox energy portal
  • Receive at least one Breathwork journey designed to cellularly RESET your relationship to technology, your phone, social media and plug into SOURCE. Align, code, heal and reset the cells of your body to return, remember and unlock this ancient part of you
  • Connect, embody and integrate with community of fellow spiritual souls that create conscious relationship with technology, the energy of the universe and gather in power
  • Learn astrology, channelled frameworks and discover what your digital detox lifestyle can be
  • Leave the experience a different version of yourself than when you began at a cellular level - unlocking your identity, healing, manifestations and connection with the Equinox and a through deep reset, release, healing and planting seeds of safety and return all in your subconscious and nervous system
  • Lifetime Access to this replay and experience 


Let us unplug from the matrix and plug into source together in deep ceremony with the Equinox. It's a divine holy time to RESET, CHANGE and start FRESH with the arrival of Spirng!


See you there 🙏🏻

*No Refunds permitted*


$333 Early Bird Price until 3/13

Final Price will be $488.

$333.00 USD




Breathwork Release of Liability, Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement

In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in Breathwork, as well as any related events or activities with Mindful Joy LLC, (hereinafter collectively "The Activites"), I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge, understand and expressly agree to the following:

Breathwork is not suggested for individuals that are currently pregnant. If you are pregnant, you must have a release from your OBGYN prior to participating.

I warrant that I do not have, or have had in the past, any of the following conditions: cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, recent physical injuries or surgeries, mental illness, seizure disorders, pregnant. If I have any of the preceding conditions, I warrant that my primary care physician has released me to participate in breathwork.

I understand that there exists a risk of physical, mental, psychological or emotional injury, or although very rare, death, from the Activities, and although compliance with the guidance of Mindful Joy LLC may reduce this risk, the risk of such injury nevertheless does exist.

I fully acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Activities with knowledge of the danger involved, and knowingly and freely assumes all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of Mindful Joy LLC or others.

I agree to comply with the stated and customary guidance and norms of participation in the Activities. If, however, it observes any unusual hazard during its presence or participation, I will immediately remove myself from participation in the Activities and bring such to the attention of the nearest official forthwith.

I understand and acknowledges that Mindful Joy LLC is not acting in the capacity of physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals, and the Activities being offered are NOT intended to treat or diagnose, and does not include treatment for or diagnosis of, any illnesses, disease or disorders, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional.

I represent and certify that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and fully understand and acknowledge that if I were not in such good health, it would not be permitted to partake in the Activities. As such, its representation and certification that I am in good health in each of the above-enumerated ways constitutes a material term upon which Mindful Joy LLC is relying in permitting me to partake in the Activities.

I, on behalf of my employees, heirs, agents, representatives, parents, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors, assigns and any person or entity that it controls, forever releases, indemnifies and discharges Mindful Joy LLC and their employees, agents, representatives, team members, as well as its owners, principals, employees, agents and representatives, with respect to any and all claims I or my employees, heirs, agents, representatives, parents, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors, assigns and any person or entity that it controls, may now have or may have in the future resulting from injury, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional, or any loss or damage to person or property, of any kind, whether arising from the negligence of Company to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Although this Agreement fully and completely releases Mindful Joy LLC from any and all liability of any kind and of any nature in any way connected to, arising from, or relating to the Activities at issue, I further acknowledge and agree that to the extent that Client, and all of its participants, violates the plain terms of this Agreement by filing a claim, suit or other action against Mindful Joy LLC, any such claim, suit or other action shall be filed solely and exclusively before the American Arbitration Association, as governed by the Commercial Rules of Arbitration, with the initiating party bearing the fees and costs associated with arbitration, and with the prevailing party entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs associated with the arbitration. Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the above shall be resolved under IL law.

By checking the box above, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk that Client, and all of its participants, or its child(ren) may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in breathwork with Mindful Joy LLC and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 during the Activities may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, employees, agents, independent contractors, affiliates, successors and assigns.


No refunds are available.



By checking the box above, you are indicating that you understand the information contained above and agree with it.