The 30 Day Liberation, Reclamation and Long Term Change in Your Relationship with Technology

Signup for the August Digital Detox RESET Here

August 5 - 29th, 2024


Daily Group VOXER Coaching

Weekly Live Breathwork Journeys and Integration Calls - Thursdays at 1pm EDT

Small Cohort of Five Ambitious Mystics

Tune into this 15 minute video where I share ALL ABOUT Digital Detox RESET, what exactly we'll be doing and WHY 💗


Do you catch yourself scrolling for hours and hours each day?


Do you live your days in reaction mode instead of creation mode?


Are you sick of being inundated with notifications, the ping and the agendas of others?


Do you crave a deep connection to yourself, your intuition, your gifts, Mother Earth and your spiritual life?

Have you attempted digital detox and failed?


Do you know you NEED to address phone addiction and don't know where to start?


Are you ready to unhook from the forces of darkness and daily anxiety of social media?


Are you committed to finally shifted your relationship to technology once and for all?


Do you crave a total lifestyle shift where you're in control of your attention, energy and nervous system no matter what?


Feel like a HELL YES? The August Digital Detox RESET is for YOU.


Signup for the August Digital Detox RESET Here

Why Digital Detox RESET and Why NOW?


📲 The average person spends 2+ hours/day mindlessly scrolling on their phone. This adds up to 3 months of 8 hour work days per calendar year. No one can say they don't have time or energy for their dreams - they have yet to take command of their days, their scroll and their digital life.


📲 Decision Fatigue, Distraction and Chronic Fight or Flight Response in your Nervous System is running your life! No one is immune and the only way to protect yourself from these realities at a cellular level is not to do a random detox here and there, but to integrate it as YOUR LIFESTYLE.


📲 Your happiness, joy, presence and the future of our world depend on this. Technology must be at your mercy, not the other way around. If not, you'll be eaten alive by the addictive facts of the digital world and also be manipulated by forces of darkness to advance their agenda.


WHY NOW? Because one more moment is one moment too much where you're feeling bad, not creating, being hijacked my media and not contributing to a world we're proud of.




What you receive in DIGITAL DETOX RESET:


  • 4 deep dive live sessions of healing, knowledge and skill to fully pattern interrupt your current habits with technology and integrate new ones at a cellular level - Thursdays August 5th - 29th at 1pm EDT

  • At least two channelled Breathwork journeys to fully RESET your nervous system so you create lasting change
  •  Daily VOXER Coaching from Adrienne in a chat with the four other ambitious mystics who are moving through this RESET with you

  • Astrology insights, personal system creation and high performance coaching so you walk away with a long term solution in your relationship with technology
  •  Lifetime access to the recordings of each session

  • Exclusive option to add a month of 1:1 Voxer Coaching or a 1:1 Sessions for deeper integration and support in anchoring all of this in long term 


About Breathwork:

People say "Breathwork" all the time and not everyone is talking about the same thing. It's actually a huge growth area for A New Earth! I am certified in and facilitate potent Breathwork journeys in the my modality of Cosmic Cellular Breathwork. This is a deep reset of the nervous system and similar to holotropic Breathwork.


This is a potent powerful healing modality to be wielded with reverence, training and knowledge - not yoga breathing or Wim Hof. This is lifechanging! Conscious Connected Breath journeys for the lasting change, coding and results at a cellular level.


Join The Digital Detox RESET  in Two Ways:


One Payment of $1111

For the leader who loves a one time MOVE of investing that saves them cash too!

Join via Pay in Full Here


Two Payments of $595

For the leader who loves a consistent MOVE of investing over time.

Join via Two Payments Here

See you there! It's time to make Digital Detox your LIFESTYLE. For the highest timeline and good of all - first and foremost YOU.