An Intimate Assembly of Modern Mystics

Leading the Long Game of New Earth in the Age of Aquarius

Apply for Capricorn Council Here

A six month intimate mastermind of mystics committed to astrology prowess, conscious collaboration, anchoring the collective amidst adveristy and walking the discipline path required in Architecting New Earth.

Elements of Capricorn Council:


Bi-weekly Mastermind Coaching calls facilitated by Adrienne

Daily Voxer connection, coaching and astrological guidance from Adrienne

Intimate Council - no more than 8 leaders in the mastermind

6 months of full access to my Breathwork and Astrology membership for New Earth Leaders, New Earth Temple

Lifetime Access to 3D MOVES - my signature program and community for leaders, the "How to Hold Your Why"


Start Date - Feb 1st 2024



Self Leadership





Redefining Success

Learn, Love and Lead in Spiritual Endurance, Discipline and Innovation for New Earth


It's Now. Capricorn Council will lead the way.


Let us walk the hero's journey TOGETHER.

Apply for Capricorn Council Here