The Five Day Quantum Leap to Fully Land in Your Body as the Earth Angel You Came to Be

Signup for Earth Angel Here

Live May 13th-May 17th - Lifetime Replay 

Earth Angel is A 5 Day Quantum Leap and Immersion to Fully Land You in Your Earth Angel Embodiment:


For the spiritual being who's ready to fully land in their human body, their human life, access their unique expressions of New Earth Leadership and do it all in deep community, Breathwork healing, Astrology self actualization and sacred geometry of Earthly life.


  • DAY 1 - MOTHER EARTH - Umbilical Cord Connection with our home, Matriarch and Oath to Earthly Life. Learn and code it into your cells.

  •  DAY 2 - CAPRICORN - Learn and code into your cells you're meant to lead your legacy here on Earth. Success, Long Game, Challenge, Structure, Architecture Saturn

  •  DAY 3 - TAURUS - Learn and codes into your cells where you're meant to be consistent, take action, connect with Mother Earth, have luxury, create money here on Earth and embody the Empress.

  •  DAY 4 - VIRGO - Learn and code into our cells how you're meant to be physically healthy, vital, have daily routines, rituals and work in the 3D.

  •  DAY 5 - Live Q&A, Integration and Coaching.

I'm in for EARTH ANGEL

Why Earth Angel and What Problems Will It Solve?


The most common block and problem I see with aspiring New Earth is leaders with amazing gifts, spiritual modalities and contributions to make that matter….


Beauties with dreams on their hearts and a true soul's call to make a difference....


One of a kind heart beats that are craving the healing of humanity and unique innovations that only they can share.....


Souls that chose to incarnate at this time with radical, unique and destined gifts to share as we birth a world we're proud of...


Is this:

They’re not making them real yet in the 3D plane.


They're still a fantasy.


They struggle with creating the real results in their day to day reality.


They are not yet manifesting the visions they are called to.


They are not yet fully landed in their human life, committed to this form and creating with precision on our planet.




It comes down to three specific reasons and patterns I see:



1) They have not mastered the Earthly skill sets and tools for tangible steps, systems and actions - they lack the “how” to hold their “why” of their divine assignment.


2) They are stuck in fear and cellular trauma from this life, their bloodline or past lives. They have yet to heal their nervous system and body which controls 95% of their decisions.


3) They do not know or understand their unique New Earth Astrology placements and how to leverage them to access their true soul's potential in human form.


Sound like you?

If so, you're no alone!

If so, I have a solution for you.


 It's your sacred responsibility to interrupt these common experiences and step forward as the New Earth Leader you're destined to be.









What you receive in Earth Angel:


  • 5 deep dive sessions of healing, knowledge and skill to fully commit, learn and lead your Earthly life as the Angel you are

  •  4 Shamanic Astrology Transmission followed by my Cosmic Cellular Breathwork journeys to code it into your body 

  • One call of Q&A, Integration and Hot Seat Coaching.
  • Learn exactly where and how you're meant to fully land in your human body, self actualize in human form and truly walk Earth in alignment with your blueprint to lead New Earth
  •  Lifetime access to the recordings of each session

  • Exclusive option to add a month of Voxer Coaching for deeper integrations and ongoing support in following through on all you receive in Earth Angel. 


About Breathwork:

People say "Breathwork" all the time and not everyone is talking about the same thing. It's actually a huge growth area for A New Earth! I am certified in and facilitate potent Breathwork journeys in the my modality of Cosmic Cellular Breathwork. This is a deep reset of the nervous system and similar to holotropic Breathwork.


This is a potent powerful healing modality to be wielded with reverence, training and knowledge - not yoga breathing or Wim Hof. This is lifechanging! Conscious Connected Breath journeys for the lasting change, coding and results at a cellular level.


I'm a Yes to Breathwork in EARTH ANGEL

Signup for Earth Angel in One of The Following Ways:


One Payment $695

For the leader who loves a one time MOVE of investing that saves them cash too!

Join via Pay in Full Here


Two Payments of $388

For the leader who loves a consistent MOVE of investing over time.

Join via Payment Plan Here


Three Payments of $285

For the leader who benefits from investing over a longer stretch.

Join via Payment Plan Here

For the spiritual being who's ready to fully land in their human body, their human life, access their unique expressions of New Earth Leadership and do it all in deep community, Breathwork healing, Astrology self actualization and sacred geometry of Earthly life.


This is your divine assignment.

This is leadership.

Of yourself and for A New Earth.


Your dreams and our world quite literally depend on it.

Bust your move, join Earth Angel today and let's quantum leap you into the leader you came here to be.


Calling all's time to fully land on Earth and get to work!