Aloha beauty! I'm Adrienne. I love you. I believe in you. I believe in your dreams. I believe in a better world. 

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My story and my journey is what makes me the Adrienne I am today:


Raised by musicians and farmers in Michigan, music, art and Earth soul connection has been part of my life since I was born. As a little girl, music was my portal to magic. And to me, it still is. As a little girl I was OBSESSED with water and knew I was a mermaid. I had no idea how important this would be as I embarked on this journey we call life.


I began classical training at the piano at age four and started horn at eleven. My journey with music led me to complete two degrees in horn performance, including my master’s from the Indiana University Jacob’s School of Music. I then moved to Chicago where I got on the orchestral audition circuit and built the life of performance and teaching that I live today. My move to Chicago was a shock to the system. Not only had I entered the “real world” post grad-school, I was not surrounded by musicians for the first time in my life. I began to notice things about the world and my experiences. What realized is that not only had I excelled at the technical skill of playing an instrument and artistry under high pressure, but through this process I had cultivated a skillset and values that impacted every part of my life in a profound way.

I have been studying and mastering music for 25 years and counting. I view this as a lifelong class. I have had truly phenomenal teachers that have inspired me to expand, rise and achieve my dreams. I experienced toxic teachers and dogma in the classical music culture, which from a young age fostered harmful beliefs and stamped creativity. All of my experiences informed who I am and what kind of artist and mentor I choose to be. Knowing the power and ripple of teaching and the challenges of our modern world, I committed to a belief system and vision as a teacher that I call Mindful Music. I founded Mindful Music in February 2020.


Life as a competitive musician from a young age gave me invaluable skills and at the same time was no walk in the park. Through the realities of the culture, I met my darkest shadows and ultimately my rock bottom. This culminated in my reckoning with substance abuse and addiction. Shortly after beginning Mindful Music, I shared my personal story in my inaugural blog, “How Music Broke Me and Mindfulness Put Me Back Together”.


In that sharing, I cast a vision for mindfulness and being a coach to other musicians. I felt a deep call to pay it forward and share the power of mindfulness, conscious living and coaching with musicians for them to heal themselves from the harmful, yet common, experiences in music culture. This was an extension of Mindful Music.


I focused on working with young people on the Autism spectrum because I had seen first hand through my siblings' experience how they were NOT honored for who they were. I tapped into and served a whole pod of young people who were perpetually unseen, unrecognized and undervalued in the most meaningful way. This created a near immediate waitlist of families to serve.


And yet, I had not quite hit the nail on the head. With the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world around me was drastically changing and so was my internal world. With the reopening of the world - I was deeply changed after creating my first multi-six figure soul mission and traversing my own personal path during lockdown.


I came to deeper confronting truths about myself, what I want to contribute and what I'm meant to be, do and create with my life. I discovered that I have a deep devotion to sharing mindfulness, yoga, meditation and coaching with all people, not just musicians. These practices and ways of being are for all human beings. They deeply benefit all who choose them. They pave a path for peace, potential and lives fully lived.


In 2020 I began yoga teacher training and after a year of formal study, became a certified yoga teacher. That still wasn’t it though…I simultaneously found Breathwork and went full force into my own healing of my nervous system - this is where I truly quantum leapt. Once I combined it with my years of study using the divine timing of astrology - I unleashed a level of potential I had yet to tap. I was obsessed and got certified as soon as possible to share with I discovered with others.


It was in this "hitting gold" of Breathwork that I finally healed my sexual trauma from the root, my "starving artist" money patterns and truly ascended into actualizing a new level of my potential as a person, soul and leader.


In just one year I catapulted into $10K+ months in my soul business, then $20K+ months. I healed relationships in myself, my bloodline, my romantic life and stepped forward as a spiritual leader. I became very passionate about helpingspiritual women create wealth on their terms and liberating themselves like I did. I remembered my power as a Lemurian Medicine Woman who incarnated to spearhead New Earth in the ancient codes of Gaia and in 2022 I officially completed my Shamanism training, receiving my Shaman name WHITE EARTH STAR.


During my annual 10 Day Digital Detox in January of 2023, I realized my time in Chicago was complete. I took the leap and relocated to Maui in August of 2023 based on my soul’s call to step forward into a holistic leadership role as a keeper of this frequency. It all cosmically unfolded to heights and dreams I imagined for years that came to fruition through my story, my modality and the unique lens I offer my clients today.


Today you find me embodying my full power as a spiritual guide, leader, astrologer, Shaman, Breathwork facilitator and innovator of coaching methods to unlock the potential of leaders around the globe! I still teach Mindful Music on Maui or in the virtual universe. I am OBSESSED with what I do and daily I am grateful that I get to support amazing souls in living their dreams. Not just for themselves, but for every life they touch and their important contribution to building A Better World.


As of Fall 2024, I am officially in a year of travel as I am called to ancient sites and geographical activations around the world - all while serving my amazing clients and online movement of New Earth Leaders. When I'm not serving my clients, I'm creating! I adore my podcast, A Better World with Adrienne and I write as much as possible - poetry, letters, inspirations and allowing spirit to flow through my pen exposing me to my own greatness.


There are fewer things in life that make my heart sing than my nieces, doing summersaults in the ocean or hopping on a plane for an adventure to a brand new place!!


I believe the keys to your greatest contribution to a world we're proud of are waiting for you in the deepest desires of your heart. If you have the desire, it's meant for you.


I'm so grateful you're here and we've connected! Reach out to me below and let's connect. I love hearing from you and I love helping you make your visions real.


Let's Connect!