The "How" to Hold Your "Why"

Join 3D MOVES Here

An eight module Breathwork, Astrology and Manifestation program and community for leaders of A New Earth.


*Lifetime Access and Living Breathing Community!*


Next Live Q&A: March 2024

The most common block and problem I see with aspiring New Earth is leaders with amazing gifts, spiritual modalities and contributions to make that matter….


People with dreams on their hearts and a true soul's call to make a difference....


One of a kind heart beats that are craving the healing of humanity and unique innovations that only they can share....


Is this:

They’re not actually making them real in the 3D plane.


They're all still a fantasy.


They struggle with creating the real results in their day to day reality.


They straight up are not manifesting the visions they are called to.




It comes down to two specific reasons and patterns I see:



1) They do not have the skill set and tools for tangible steps, systems and actions - they lack the “how” to hold their “why”.


2) They are crippled in fear and don’t take action because they have yet to heal their nervous system which controls 95% of their decisions.


Sound like you?

If so, you're no alone!

If so, it's not even your fault!


And - it's your sacred responsibility to interrupt this pattern and step forward as the New Earth Leader you're destined to be.



⚡️ If you've ever struggled with taking action and manifesting at will, 3D MOVES is where you will finally put a stop to this struggle and unlock the portal of your action, potential and power you've been seeking.



⚡️ 3D MOVES is where you will finally start manifesting in the 3D realm through the actions you take, habits you shift that last, structures you build and it will actually work because we'll be learning it all in deep relationship with healing your nervous system through Breathwork.



⚡️ 3D MOVES will take you from surface spirituality to deep New Earth Leadership because you'll be following through on what you know you've wanted to do all along.



⚡️ 3D MOVES is your antidote to all your resistance to the divine masculine, a deep spiritual awakening and the true toolkit and skillset for building shit that will last.



Real talk: When adversity or fear strikes, surface spirituality shatters in an instant - this is why you haven't manifested it yet.


Real talk: A New Earth will not be manifested in the 5D, in orgasms or visualizations - it will be manifested through consistent courageous actions over time in the 3D realm.


Real talk: You came here as a human for a reason! It's time to get your 3D shit together and make your 3D MOVES.


In this timeline shifting program, I'll teach you HOW and I'll also help you heal at a cellular level so you feel SAFE actually implementing the steps you learn.



All guided by the stars and consciously lived out through the breath - my invention of embodied manifesting in alignment with the universe.


Check out the breakdown below to learn exactly how you'll create the results you've been seeking inside 3D moves.


Already feel like a fully body fuck yes? Bust a 3D MOVE and signup below right now.

Join 3D MOVES Here

What you'll get inside the 3D Moves Program:

  • Seven modules of astrology and manifestation coaching calls
  • Seven modules of Breathwork journeys
  • Lifetime access to this program - replay to your heart's content for deeper integration, healing and manifesting!
  • Living Breathing Community with Quarterly Live Breathwork journeys and Q&A calls - continued support, healing, leveling up and soul community with New Earth Leaders. Next live Q&A and Breathwork Journey: November 2023
  • Content of 3D MOVES will include: "The How to Hold Your Why" - sacred habits, rituals, structures, follow through and the actual *how to steps* for manifesting your ideas, visions and contributions into the 3D reality through high performance coaching, manifestation and lens of leveraging your unique astrology.
  • The lasting life changing effects of how you show up to this program - life changing transformations are inevitable when you show up fully, implement what you learn and do it in alignment with healing your nervous system in Breathwork


Join me for this timeline shifting group program for New Earth Leaders and start making your 5D visions, your 3D reality today!

I'm all in for 3D MOVES!

Module 1: Cosmic Clearing


Week 1 will address the two foundations of manifesting that no one talks about - physical health and our willingness to feel our feelings. Deeply aligned with a Virgo Lunation Energy, we will do a potent release of all patterns, blocks, ancestral baggage and lived experience in the realms of health, wellness, habits, routines, structure, discipline and purification. We will learn the astrology both personally and collectively to leverage it for this reset and code it into your body through a potent astro Breathwork journey.

I'm in for Cosmic Clearing!

Module 2: Holy Habits


In Week 2 you will shift your relationship with habits and develop the clarity, coaching and tools to actually creating lasting change in habits that will support your soul's vision. Habits are holy expressions of your divinity. I will teach you where this is written in your natal chart, how to leverage it, scientifically proven steps for human behavior change and then we will code it all into your nervous system in Breathwork to align it with the 95% of your potential to *actually make this change real*.

I'm in for HOLY HABITS!

Module 3: Divine Design


In Week 3 we will use astrology as a lens to design your ideal day, life and flow. This is the 3D masculine structure that your divine feminine will be held by as you channel your creations for A New Earth. This sacred structure will support you day to day in the "mundane" that actually determines your ability to create your most potent magic. Then of course, we code this all into the 95% of your potential, healing and power through a Breathwork journey.

I'm in for Divine Design!

Module 4: Astral Automation


In the final week of 3D MOVES, I will teach you how to make your success and systems automatic leveraging the unique astrology of your natal chart. I will share my systems and steps I have used to make my success automatic and stop wasting my life force, will power and energy on this planet. I am so excited to teach this! Then, we'll code it in so you can actually live it out in alignment and full support of your nervous system through a Breathwork journey!

I'm in for Astral Automation!

Module 5: Digital Detox

One of the most potent and vital 3D MOVES all leaders must make is a conscious relationship and daily use of technology, especially social media! In Module 5 of 3D MOVES I'm teaching my sacred framework and rituals of digital detox and daily conscious tech! I share specific places in your astrology to leverage, the collective astrology and powerful tools of human behavior change to delete scrolling, decision fatigue, distraction and chronic comparison that deflates our life force by tech! Then of course, we'll let go of all previous patterns with tech and set the stage for new with a potent Breathwork journey!

I'm in for Digital Detox!

Module 6: Sacred Skill Mastery

The ability to master any skillset you desire and have it on lock in a state of excellence is a skillset in itself! Too many leaders lack the skill of building any skill. As a professional and competitive musician since age 4, performing at a high level under pressure and having my skills show up for me is my special sauce. I teach my channeled framework and cycle for skill mastery, accompanied by a Breathwork journey to code this wisdom into the cells of your body so you can do it too!

I'm in for Scared Skill Mastery

Module 7: Magic Money


The final 3D MOVE in this signature program is Magic Money. What I've seen time and time again in my clients and aspiring New Earth Leaders is challenges with their relationship to money on the Earthly plane. The truth is - we need A LOT of resources to build A New Earth, and that means money, honey! I will teach on the astrology of money, the New Earth money placements and how to leverage this in stacking mad cash as a channel of spirit. Then of course, we'll code it all into your body so you feel safe receiving LIMITLESS ABUNDANCE at a cellular level.

I'm in for MAGIC MONEY!

Module 8: Calendar Command


The 8th move of 3D MOVES is Calendar Command! Your most precious resource beyond money is your TIME and it's the most important thing you'll steward in your time here on Earth. In Calendar Command I teach you my system for mastering your calendar, winning your days and living with daily efficiency as you build your dream. Most people resist planning, however, this astrological gamified version will be FUN and GIVE YOU TIME. I teach my Calendar Command framework and then we code it all into your body so you feel safe receiving following through and leveraging your calendar each day!




3D MOVES is a live community as well as lifetime access program. Upon joining you receive all recordings of the 2023 Quarterly Live Q&A + Breathwork calls.


Plus! You automatically receive all Live Quarterly Q+A's and Breathwork sessions in 2024.

About Breathwork:

People say "Breathwork" all the time and not everyone is talking about the same thing. It's actually a huge growth area for A New Earth! I am certified in and facilitate potent Breathwork journeys in the modality of RESET Breathwork. This is a deep reset of the nervous system and in an offshoot of hollotropic Breathwork.


RESET stands for:

  • Recalibrate your nervous system
  • Elevate your vibration
  • Somatically release stored emotions and trauma
  • Expand your consciousness
  • Transform into your most authentic self.


This is a potent powerful healing modality to be wielded with reverence, training and knowledge - not yoga breathing or Wim Hof. This is lifechanging!!!

I'm a Yes to Breathwork in 3D MOVES

Join 3D Moves in one of three ways:



For the leader who loves a one time 3D MOVE of investing that saves them cash too!




For the leader who loves a consistent 3D MOVE of investing over time.




For the leader who benefits from long term lower ticket consistent 3D MOVE of investing.


JOIN NOW, SACRED LEADER! It's time to leap! 

See you inside 3D Moves.

Claim Your Role in A New Earth!

People say shit all the time.

Rare is the soul who actually does it.


Be someone who actually does it.

Be someone who makes 3D MOVES.

And as a direct result, watch your 3D reality shift because of it.


This is leadership.

Of yourself and for A New Earth.


Your dreams and our world quite literally depend on it.

Bust a move, join 3D MOVES today and let's *actually* create change.


It's time to make it real. See you inside!